Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Week 26 (Week 17 In-Field)

What a week! I have officially moved and unpacked into my new home in 노량진 :) It was an adventure getting here. I almost lost my luggage, but everything turned out great. This past week has been so crazy with appointments, preparing for our Christmas party, unpacking, and figuring out what I'll be doing as an STL.

A Rudolph piñata for our Christmas party this Saturday.
I am living in a 4 man house again, but this time with Sister Carnahan (my companion), Sister Eversole, and Sister Song. They are all such wonderful sisters and I am so excited to be working with them this next transfer. 

Left to Right: Sister Song, Sister Rindlisbacher, and Sister Eversole
This week I got to meet almost all of my new investigators within the first day that I got to my new area. It was such a blessing to be able to introduce myself before teaching them. We were also blessed to have two member present lessons this past week! They were such amazing lessons and the members were such a huge help! The members were amazing at explaining the things that we couldn't and sharing their personal testimonies. Having those lessons really strengthened my testimony of member missionary work! Go out and help the missionaries share the gospel! ;)

Korea has gotten a lot colder the past week. As you can tell in the picture above I am freezing. My attire usually consists of two pairs of tights, two pairs of socks, gloves, a beanie, and a nice warm jacket... Even then I still get cold >.<  It takes so much longer in the morning to get out of the door because we have to bundle up so much. Apparently January and February get way colder so I'm just trying to prepare for that haha.

Last night we had dinner with a member and one of their daughters knew some people that I grew up with. She studied at BYU Hawaii and was in the same ward with them. The world is such a small place when you're from Hawaii and are LDS >.< It was really cool to talk with her about Hawaii and people from home for a bit. Their family is so amazing and we spent the whole time talking about their missions/missionary life. We shared Mattew 5:14 with them and challenged them to invite someone to Christmas Sunday.

I officially hit my 6 month mark a few days ago. It is crazy how time flies when you're doing the Lord's work! I wish I could share everything that I have learned over the past months, but that would take forever and I have to go. But here is a quote that I found during my personal study this morning. 

"No matter how busy or inadequate we may feel, the Lord will always enable us to do the things that matter most, if we trust in Him and follow His promptings." 

I know that this gospel is true and that the work that is done by missionaries is truly the Lord's work. I know that the Lord is watching and taking care of each of us individually. He has a specific plan for each of us and He will guide us as we follow Him. I have such a strong testimony of that. I hope that everyone is having a wonderful Christmas season. Make sure that you are sharing the light of the gospel with everyone this year! Have a wonderful week! Also good luck to anyone with finals and Happy Birthday to the best dad in the world a.k.a my dad! I love you!

-Sister Rindlisbacher

P.S. One last picture :)

One of the last pictures of the 인천 sisters before transfers. I'm going to miss living with these Sisters :(

Monday, December 12, 2016

Week 25 (Week 16 In-Field)

TRANSFERS have come! I cannot believe how fast time has gone! It seems like just last week I was coming to 인천 and now I will be leaving :( Since there are so many sister missionaries leaving this transfer our President had to close some areas. Unfortunately my area was one of those. Now the second ward sisters will be taking care of both 인천 wards. Their area will be HUGE! I thought my area alone was big, but now they probably have the biggest area in the mission. One of our Elders said it is about 1/5 of the mission... They are going to be so busy for the next transfer! I wish Sister Ambrose and Sister Sannar the best of luck! They are going to do awesome things in this area.

This past week has gone by so fast just like this transfer. I cannot believe that it is already over. I am so sad to be saying goodbye to Sister Shumway. She has been such a blessing in my life for the past six weeks. Our room is an absolute mess as we both pack and get everything ready for the other sisters to take over. Sister Shumway will be heading back to the States this Friday and I will be moving to 노랑진 on Wednesday to be with Sister Carnahan. I will also be learning how to be an STL... How crazy is that!!! I am still in shock that I have been called to be an STL so early. I will also be covering two zones, so I will be over 3 sets of sisters. I am so nervous, but also really excited for my new adventure.

Christmas came a little early this year and we were able to go to the temple again! It had been so long since we last got to go and it was amazing to be in the Lord's house again for a few hours. We also got to have the special experience of doing baptisms for the dead. That was done in Korean and then the endowment session that we went to was also in Korean. Originally we were suppose to go to the English session, but things got switched last minute. It was so neat to have a headphone for English translation in one ear and also being able to hear the Korean at the same time. Afterwards we had p-day. For p-day last week we went ice skating as a zone. The 안양 zone also joined us. It was so much fun to be around so many missionaries for our p-day. 

My housemates :)
Sister Shumway and Sister Rindlisbacher

The 인천 zone sisters
This past weekend was also spent battling a pretty nasty cold. Both Sister Shumway and I woke up Friday morning with a super bad cold. We were suppose to be going on exchanges that day, but had to cancel. After our zone training we went home and went straight to bed for the rest of the night. Saturday we didn't get to rest much so we are still both sick, but things seem to be turning up. We both just sound really funny when we talk. 

Super sick Sister Shumway and Sister Rindlisbacher
Yesterday Sister Shumway gave her last talk and sang in sacrament. It was absolutely beautiful and I may or may not have cried a little bit. She is such a talented singer. The song that she sang was 'My Kindness Shall Not Depart From Thee'. I know that that this gospel is true. It is perfect and I know that it is our Savior Jesus Christ's gospel. I am so grateful that I get to share it while I am here in Korea. I hope that you are all having a wonderful week. Good luck to all those that are taking finals soon. I love you all!

-Sister Rindlisbacher

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Week 24 (Week 15 In-Field)

Where has time gone? I cannot believe that this transfer is almost over! We will be getting transfer callsthis Saturday. The only thing I know for sure is that I'll be getting a new companion :'( because Sister Shumway is heading home at the end of this transfer. It's been a pleasure to serve with her!

This week has been really great. We've been super busy with member and recent convert appointments. We have two Mongolian women in our ward who were baptized recently. They are the kindest people ever! Also their babies are adorable. Sister 진주 has a 6 month old baby girl and Sister 난디아 has a 8 month old baby boy. Sister 진주 was trying to teach us some Mongol last time we visited her and it was awesome. Mongol is very similar to Russian so the accent was pretty hard to get down. She also tested us yesterday when we saw her at church... we failed to remember the 2 phrases that she taught us >.< but she still likes us haha.

This is 난디아's baby :) He is so adorable!

 난디아's baby
We had a fun time playing with him while his mom did some work around the house. Afterwards we taught her one of the recent convert lessons. 

We also had a special sisters conference with our mission president. He had to get special permission from the area president to hold the meeting because it included every sister in the mission. IT WAS AMAZING! All the training and messages that we received were exactly what I needed to hear. I also got to see an old professor from BYU. She taught Korean 201 when I was there and was at the meeting for translation purposes. It was fun to chat with her for a bit before the meeting started. Here are some of the things that I learned/really liked...

- "Don't let your questions paralyze your faith. The adversary knows that faith in Christ - the kind of faith that produces a steady stream of tender mercies and even mighty miracles - goes hand in hand with a personal confidence that you are striving to choose the right... As long as you allow these voices to chisel away at your soul, you can't approach the throne of God with real confidence. Whatever you do, whatever you pray for, whatever hopes for a miracle you may have, there will always be just enough self-doubt chipping away at your faith - not only your faith in God, but also your confidence in yourself. The decision to change is yours - and yours alone."

- There are two types of confidence 1. Worldly confidence 2. Heavenly confidence... Which one do you rely on the most?

- Joshua 1: 5-9

- Christ was proud of His gospel and we should be the same way!

- "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted"

Needless to say the conference was inspired. It was so uplifting and being around all the sisters in my mission was such a treat. They are all so amazing and the light in their faces shines so brightly.

Here are some fun random pictures from a few weeks ago :)
The 인천 Stake Missionaries after our fireside last week.
Sister Turner is a party to be with always! Left to right: Front - Sister Shumway, Sister Brooksby, Sister Turner and Sister Rindlisbacher. Back - Sister Ambrose, Sister An, and Sister Sannar

There is a super funny story behind this picture, but I'll have to tell you guys sometime later. Typed words will not do it justice.

If you guys are ever curious about the happening in the Korea Seoul South Mission you can check out our mission President's blog. ( I stole the lovely pictures above from there :)

Missionary work is amazing. The joy that you feel and the happiness that comes from the hard times is like nothing else. A lot of the time I get discouraged, but the Lord always knows how to lift me. Being a missionary is hard and learning a new language is even harder, but I know that the Lord called me to this mission for a reason. I know that He has a specific plan for me while I am here. I can testify that He knows each and everyone one of us individually and has made a specific plan for each of our lives. Rely on Him and He will show you the way. I know that our Savior Jesus Christ lives and that this is HIS restored gospel. 

Also here is another good quote from my mission president's email this week. "Look in the mirror and see if your countenance reflects His light to the world. There is no greater work, no greater message." -President Turner

I love you all and hope that you have a great week!

-Sister Rindlisbacher

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Week 23 (Week 14 In-Field)

It's been a great week :) Very busy with choir practices, district meeting, exchanges, and a fireside... Along will all the usual missionary work. Oh also the first snow has come to Korea!

The red box I'm holding is full of Kimchi :)
This past week I went on exchanges with Sister 안지민. I was her companion for a few days before I came to my new area because both of our companions died and the transfer was a bit funky. She was a huge help as we went through the members in my new ward. She served here for 6 transfers and knows the area pretty well. She absolutely hilarious and is also a huge help with language since she is a native Korean.

Sister Shumway and I also celebrated Thanksgiving this week by serving for the entire day. We were pretty busy with 4 appointments and then came home to have dinner. We got the closest thing we could to turkey.... fried chicken! It was really yummy with the sauces that they gave us. We had a great time talking about the things that we are grateful for over our wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. 

Yesterday we had a stake wide missionary fireside. All of the missionaries in our stake got together and did two musical numbers. There were lots of wonderful musical numbers, slideshow pictures, missionary videos, and talks given by missionaries, recent converts, and our mission president. 

The 인천 Stake missionaries after choir practice
I wish I could send you a recording of the song that we sang because the spirit was definitely there as we sang. I love all the missionaries in my stake so much. They each bring such a wonderful spirit to the group.

Our investigators are doing great. We got to meet with two of them a couple times this week, but the third was in Hong Kong for buisness so we'll be meeting with her sometime this week.

Here are some random pictures that my companion took on the way to emailing today:)

Left to Right: Sister Shumway, Sister Rindlisbacher, Sister Sannar, and Sister Ambrose
Sister Shumway and Sister Rindlisbacher
It was hard to keep our eyes open because it's been so cold lately.

I KNOW that this gospel is true! I know that the Lord has a specific plan for each of His children that is perfect. I know that our Savior Jesus Christ lives and is always there for each of us. I love you all and hope that you have a great week! 

-Sister Rindlisbacher

P.S. I really liked what my President sent this week in his email so I wanted to share it will you all.

"Many years ago, I remember hearing a talk in conference where the church leader said that parents who are casual in their keeping of the commandments or following the counsel of church leaders should not be surprised when their children were even more casual in their obedience or keeping of church standards. That has always stuck with me. The counsel means that if I am casual in my church attendance or reading the scriptures or having family prayer, when my children become parents they will be even less likely to be diligent in church attendance, scripture study or personal and family prayer. In looking in the dictionary, “Casual infers seeming or tending to be indifferent”.

As I observe missionaries in some of their behaviors I wonder if they realize how they are “casual” in their obedience to missionary rules or guidelines. They may be 15 minutes late for personal study, or leave the house 30 minutes late to begin their working day, or they may stay at a member’s house  10 minutes later than they are supposed to. If this missionary is the trainer or a senior companion or district or zone leader, they may not realize the impact that will have on their companion’s future consideration of how they should perform as a missionary.

In the same dictionary, “Strict implies great exactness”. When we encourage ‘strict obedience’, it is the desire and hope that you will truly be exact in all you do with the Lord’s commandments. Many of you know how I like to talk about “life lessons” that can be learned while serving as a missionary. This is one more for you. If you cultivate a mindset of strictness when considering the Lord’s will for you while serving a mission, it will continue with you throughout your life. Be strict with your prayer and gospel study time. Be strict with your avoidance of movies and other media that create inappropriate thoughts or images in your mind. Be strict in your honesty and obedience to all commandments."

I can testify of the difference that being "strict" in our lives makes. Everyday as a missionary we are trying to practice and perfect it. I am so grateful for the things that I have been able to learn from it and how it has blessed my life. I hope that you guys will apply this principle if your life this week and that you will see the difference that it makes. Have a great week!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Week 22 (Week 13 In-Field)

Can you tell I am excited for Christmas? Our house has been filled with Christmas music for the past couple weeks and I love it! Since Korea already had it's Thanksgiving we won't be celebrating the American Thanksgiving much. We did get to have a Thanksgiving dinner with the English branch members. I never thought that I would eat pumpkin pie or stuffing on my mission so yesterday made my week :D

This week has been great! I love my housemates and serving in this area. It is absolutely huge and is about 3x the size of my last area. We take lots of buses, subways, and we also walk a lot. Usually it takes about 45 minutes to get somewhere and then a little more time to actually find the place that we are trying to get to. Neither of us know this area super well so it takes a lot of following the spirit to find our members houses :)

Our investigators are doing great. We had a few lessons with them this week. We are still not sure exactly what they need at this time or how we can best teach them, but the Lord sure is guiding us. This past week was Nara's birthday so we had a little party for her. The chicken was so yummy!

Sister Rindlisbacher, Sister Shumway, Nara, and Nayoung
She really enjoyed herself haha :)

Nara drew me :) Sister Shumway also made an attempt lol. Guess which one is which.

Last p-day was spent shopping for my winter clothes. It's getting a lot colder and tights are a must everyday. Some days we can wear a light jacket, but the next day will be freezing and we put on as much clothing as possible to stay warm. Once we were done shopping we went to a little place to get lunch on our way home. As we were sitting down we noticed that the people next to us couldn't speak Korean and were having trouble ordering. They ended up asking if I was Korean (something that's happened a lot while I've been here... I don't look Korean at all -_-). I replied 'no, but that I can speak a little bit'. The waiter ended explaining the menu to me and then I explained it to them. It was awesome to be able to help someone :) Even though it was only to help them order some food haha.

My talk yesterday was good :) I learned a lot studying the question "Why does Heavenly Father want us to be thankful." I'll attach a link to the recording. My companion let me borrow her recorder so that I could have a copy of it since I didn't write it down.​

During Relief Society yesterday in the English branch the teacher shared a song that I really liked. It is called One By One and was written by Elder David A. Bednar. You should definitely look it up! I know that the Lord knows us all collectively as well as individually. I know that He loves us on a personal level and that He is always watching over us. He has a specific plan for each of us that is perfect. What ever path you are on is the right one for you. I hope that you all have a great week! I love you all!

-Sister Rindlisbacher
P.S. Here are some random pictures :)​

Monday, November 14, 2016

Week 21 (Week 12 In-Field)

Wow, what a week it has been. This past week has been really busy, but also really awesome!

For p-day we had a district p-day! It was so much fun... even though the two Korean elders that were leading us had no idea what they were doing. We had lunch together and then went to some obscure park and played some games. We got bored of the games so we went off on our own and took pictures. The Elders joined us after a couple rounds of the game haha. It was so much fun! I absolutely love this district!

The entire 인천 district

Left to Right: Elders Partdrige, Swazy, Petijohn, Yoon, and Kim.... plus Sister Shumway and Sister Rindlisbacher awkwardly far from them... Just pretend that empty space is filled with the Holy Ghost ;)

The sisters :) Left to right: Sister Rindlisbacher, Sister Shumway, Sister Sannar, and Sister Ambrose

This is a long story, but I'm sure I'll tell you why we are holding our legs up like that one day lol.

This past week I got to meet all of my new investigators. They are all really sweet and I am excited to teach them. We have there here in Incheon 1st ward. Their names are Gloria, Nara, and Nayeong. They are the cutest things in the world!

This is what happens when your investigator is 14 years old and likes to take pictures on her phone during the lesson hehe. 

We had lots of meetings with our investigators and members. I got to meet lots of members yesterday at church. Also I will be speaking for the fourth week in a row at church haha. I think the Lord is trying to tell me that I need to start like speaking in public. Luckily this week it will be at the English branch so it's not as hard :)

Speaking of the English branch it is in 성도, which is a man made island here in Korea. It is super nice and all the members are great. Yesterday we got to go and it was so overwhelming because I could understand everything and everyone. It was such a weird experience. The members are amazing! Sister Shumway and I got to attend primary and watch Legacy with a 10 year old and an 7 year old. They kept saying it was a "rated R movie" because of the kissing scenes >.< so funny! When they said the closing prayer they blessed us that we wouldn't get nightmares from it. They are so funny!

I don't have much time left so I will just bare a short testimony. From the experiences that I  have had this week I know without a shadow of a doubt that this gospel is true. I know that my Savior lives and that He is guiding me. I have felt so much opposition in the past couple months, but I have never been happier. I know that the message that I am sharing here in Korea is true and that no matter how many times I am told that "I'm going to hell because I'm not Christian" I am doing the Lord's work. I know that Gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored to this earth and that the Lord speaks to us today. Rely on Him and everything will be okay. I love you all! Have a great week!

-Sister Rindlisbacher

Monday, November 7, 2016

Week 20 (Week 11 In-Field)

It has been a crazy stressful week. We had packing, cleaning, traveling, visiting, and transfers all packed into one week. It was a pretty rough week, but now everything seems to be settling down. I love 인천 (Incheon) so far!

Here are a few pictures of my investigators in 개봉 (Gaebong). We were able to meet with almost all of them and say goodbye before we both left. 

Leanne, Tom, and Sister Rindlisbacher
(I would type their Korean names, but I type too slow in Korean haha)

​Sister Rindlisbacher, Shany, and Sister Blom
The beginning of the week was the craziest. Since Sister Blom was going home we had to have everything packed and cleaned by Tuesday. I packed almost everything on Sunday except the things that I had to use throughout the week. Then Monday we sent our bags through the post office. That was really stressful because they kept saying that they couldn't do it. If they didn't send them we would have to carry them all week as we traveled to see people from Sister Blom's old areas. Luckily we had the Elders with us and Elder 이종혁 was able to figure everything out. We ended up having to tape two big boxes together and put our suitcases in them. 

Tuesday was spent visiting with all of our investigators and one member. It was back to back appointments all day. A huge miracle happened that afternoon. Sister Blom lost her wallet on the bus that we were riding, which had her foreigner card in it. Without it you are not allowed to leave the country and they usually take about two weeks to get. We were calling so many people trying to figure out what we needed to do so that she would be able to leave on Friday, but had no luck. We decided to go to our first appointment and then go to the mission home afterwards to get things figured out. As we were at our appointment with Tom and Leanne we told them about everything and they were able to call the bus and find her wallet. It is almost nearly impossible to find things once they are lost like that, but it was a tender mercy from the Lord. 

Wednesday we had zone training in the morning and then went around half the mission to visit people for Sister Blom. I'll have to tell you about everything next week because I am out of time. I love you all and hope that you have a great week. Here are a bunch of random pictures. Love you!

-Sister Rindlisbacher

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Week 19 (Week 10 In-Field)

Wow what a week it has been..SO BUSY! Everything has melded together so I'll just give you some of the highlights.

The biggest news that I have is that I am being transferred! It breaks my heart to leave 개봉, but this work is inspired and the Lord needs me in the 인천 1st ward. I think the thing that I am most excited for is living in a 4 man house with Sister Sannar! I am also excited to learn from my new companion, Sister Shumway. She unfortunately will be dying (going home) after this next transfer, so I will be killing another companion. I have heard so many good things about her and am really excited to have the opportunity to serve with her! Because transfers are not until Saturday this next coming week is going to be insanely busy again visiting Sister Blom's old areas and being in a different area for the last part of the week until transfers. 

This past week we didn't have many people come to English class, but it was a party nonetheless. I am really going to miss everyone that I have taught here in 개봉. They have brought such a light into my life. This is a picture of Anna, she was in my class and is so good at English. She studies so diligently and always comes with sentences for me to correct so that she can learn better. 

Sister Blom, Anna, and Sister Rindlisbacher
We were able to meet with all of our investigators this past week which was such a huge blessing. We also picked up a new investigator 홍수빈 자매님. She is 14 years old and goes to the Liahona School (a school run by our bishop to help students get into BYU Hawaii) and all of her friends there are members. We were able to meet with her and her friends. It was such a tender mercy to have them there so that she could hear their testimonies of this gospel. I am so sad that I won't be able to teach her more. She has a lot of interest in the gospel and how it can bless her family.

We also had our ward Halloween party! It was so much fun! We had spent most of Friday and Saturday helping to put up decorations and get everything prepared. We also finished the pinata that we were making for it. Here is a picture of the aftermath...

The Strong Pinata, didn't give up without a fight!
​We made the pinata a little too strong.... the kids went nuts trying to get the candy haha :)

I wish I could send the videos that I got off the ward members trying to break it open. We had started with the youngest kids and went all the way up to the 할머니s (grandmas). It took a lot to get it open and Sister Blom ended up just tearing it apart because it wouldn't break when we hit it. We broke a broom, a wooden stick, and some other plastic sticks that the kids had tried to break it open with. We made it a little too well haha, but it gave everyone a good laugh.The Halloween party was such a blessing because a few people in the ward we able to invite their non-member friends. They all had a blast! It was awesome to see the ward members really reaching out and trying their best to do member missionary work. I am so grateful for their efforts!

Another blessing that we saw this week was two of our investigators coming to church yesterday! They came a bit late, but it is the first time in the past 3 months of teaching them that they both came! It was such a tender mercy to have them come to our last Sunday here in 개봉. We have another meeting with them tomorrow to say goodbye before we both leave the area. I am going to miss them so much! I have grown to love everyone that I have met here, but I am excited for new adventures in a different area.

I know that this work is inspired and that the Lord has His hand in it all. I have definitely felt Him strengthening me this past week. I wouldn't have been able to do it without Him. I am so grateful for this gospel and how it has blessed my life. I know that it is true and that our Savior Jesus Christ lives. I know that Heavenly Father loves each of us individually and is watching over us. I love you all! Continue to seek Christ and move towards Him. He makes all the difference in our lives! Have a great week! 

-Sister Rindlisbacher

Monday, October 24, 2016

Week 18 (Week 10 in Korea)

Here is another picture from my last last p-day when we tried to go biking :)

This past week was AMAZING! Besides the fact that I got the stomach flu on Sunday and then passed it to Sister Blom. This past week was spent at home a lot since both of us were sick. Last p-day we went to 부평 with the 목동 sisters (Sister Carnahan and Sister Greenwood) and went shopping. Nothing better to do when you have the stomach flu haha. It was a lot of fun! 

Wednesday started off rough, but Elder Bednar made up for it! Sister Blom got the stomach flu and we almost had to stay home because she was so sick. The Elders came to our house in the morning to give her a blessing and we ended up taking a taxi to and from the conference. ELDER BEDNAR WAS AMAZING!!!! He is super sassy and so funny! Here are a few things that I really liked/learned:

1. Our language has such a huge impact on EVERYTHING. Although we may not use foul language, the way that we talk about people makes a difference. Elder Bednar talked a lot about us being 'agents' rather than 'objects'. It was talked about in the talks that we were given and we spent a good amount of time on it during the conference. Homework: read Alma 32 and ponder being an 'agent' rather than an 'object'. In our normal language we often talk about others as 'objects' rather than 'agents'. I've noticed I do it with my investigators and really don't like it. This past week I've focused a lot on it when I pray and it really does make a difference. How do you talk about people? How do you pray?

2. Going along the lines of us being 'agents' something that I really learned personally is that I need to be asking for help when I need it. I'm a perfectionist and often want to do things on my own rather than getting help, but let me tell you everything is easier with help. Instead of praying for the Lord to do the work for you pray to have help so that YOU can do the work.

3. The sacrament is an ongoing process of sanctification. 

4. Even if you have a testimony that doesn't mean that you are protected from darkness. Each day we have to choose to follow Christ and to prepare ourselves for the day.  The scriptures are such an important tool that we take for granted. I challenge you to arm yourself with light. It makes all the difference, I promise! We have to constantly choose to be converted, it's not a one time thing.

5. Words don't have meaning, they have a definition. The meaning comes from the person. Certain words will hold different meanings for different people. 

6. There is never a real sacrifice. Everything that we have and are is because of our Heavenly Father. No matter what we think we are giving up the Lord has given up more.

Wednesday were also were suppose to go on exchanges that day, but ended up cancelling because we were sick. We rescheduled for this week :) I'll be staying in 개봉 and Sister Legaspi from the Philippines will be joining me. We're both greenies so it's going to be an adventure trying to not get lost haha. I'll be sure to tell you about it next week. 

This past week we were only able to meet with two investigators, but the meetings were great! Both are progressing and we can really see a difference from the time that we met them last.

Yesterday I also had to give a talk in sacrament on patience and obedience. I will never again complain about giving a talk in English because doing it in Korean is so much harder and way scarier! Although I wasn't able to express everything that I learned this past couple weeks I know that it has made a difference in my life. The things that I was able to gain through my study of the topic has made such a difference in my everyday life. 

After church we had a ward 전도 (proselyting) activity. I was really nervous for it because we had to go on splits with members, but it was so much fun! I went with Sister 조성민, who is a recently returned missionary from the 부산 mission. She is so funny and really helped me a lot. It was raining a lot, which made talking to people hard, but we got into the groove of things. We talked to lots of people and gave out a couple Books of Mormon, pamphlets, and our information. 

I'm out of time, but I hope you all have a wonderful week! I hope the things that I said made sense because I am typing so fast and don't have time to check my grammar, which is deteriorating the more I learn Korean haha. I love you all! 

-Sister Rindlisbacher

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Week 17 (Week 9 in Korea)

T-2 days until Elder Bednar comes!!! I can already tell it's gonna be a great week :) This past week was a bit rough. All of our investigators and members except 1 cancelled, so hopefully Bednar will make up for it!

Last p-day we had made plans with some other sisters to ride bikes along the Han river, but the bike place was closed when we got there :( It is too late in the year for them to rent bikes, which we didn't find out until we got there. We decided to just have fun and take pictures. I got Sister Carnahan to send me pictures so here they are :)

​Sister Carnahan and I imitating the tourist pictures >.<
​​​​​​​​​​​​​Still the darkest one in Korea haha
Pinocchio and Sister Rindlisbacher
​It was a little Pinocchio and you could turn the lever to make his nose grow.

On our way home from the river we met a man in the subway. He approached us and told us that he had seen missionaries from our church, but only knew a little bit. He asked more about why we are here in Korea and what we believe in. He then told us that he was a pastor for another church and I was a little worried that he would try to bible bash us, but it was actually a really good conversation. We were going to the same station so we talked with him all the way there. We ended up teaching the entire Restoration on the train and gave him a Book of Mormon and Restoration pamphlet. At the end he got a little worked up saying that we believe that people have to have faith in Joseph Smith in order to be saved, but we quickly corrected him. I bore a simple testimony about how I know that this gospel is true and I know that the Book of Mormon is true! As we left we gave him our card and said that he could contact us if he has any questions. I don't know if he will ever read the Book of Mormon, but I'm grateful that I got to be a part of his first experience with it. 

On Tuesday we had a zone proselyting activity that was really fun. We got to switch up our companions and hit the streets. We talked to a lot of middle school students and old grandmas. They are the best people to talk with because they are always so nice. The students are really funny because if you call them pretty they will not stop giggling ^^

Wednesday we had a district meeting and ended up having lunch with everyone because all the greenies had our language evaluations. In our district there are 3 greenies so we had to be there early because other companionships had appointments right after our meeting. 

Thursday we had interviews with President and Sister Turner. They are my favorite people to see! I absolutely love them! Sister Turner made cookies and they reminded me so much of home. President Turner is absolutely amazing and I am so grateful to have him as a mission president. 

Time is up so I'll just leave you with a simple testimony. I know that this gospel is true! I know that the Savior died and redeemed all of us from sin. There is nothing that will change His or Heavenly Father's love for us, nothing! I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith was called as a prophet to restore this wonderful gospel. Heavenly Father is determined to to lose any of His children and has provided everything we need to return to Him. 

I love and miss you all! Have a great week :)

-Sister Rindlisbacher

P.S. You should check out the cover of the October 2016 Liahona. Apparently the girl looks a lot like me haha. I've gotten a lot of comments from the ward members the past few weeks >.<