Sunday, May 21, 2017

Week 48

Oh what a wonderful time to be a missionary! This week was so awesome. Mostly because our investigator Sister Lee NamHeng was able to get baptized! She is such sweet spirit and it has been such a blessing to teach her over the past couple weeks. She was such a golden investigator and was so ready to receive the gospel. During her baptismal service she was so calm and was glowing with light. I love her so much! Our ward is so amazing and has made her one of their own. I was a little worried in the beginning because she is a pretty shy person, but everyone in the Relief Society is her new best friend :)

Another highlight of this week was our Kid's English class. We haven't been able to teach it for the past couple weeks which has been really sad. We had a lot of new people come with their kids so it was a party of 15 kids vs. 4 foreign missionaries trying to keep their attention. It was so much fun to play games with them and help them to learn English.

We also had a lot of music practices. This past week was our ward conference so all missionaries were asked to participate in the choir. It is such a fun experience to have older Korean ladies yelling at you in Korean using no vocabulary that you know because it is all related to music. I felt bad for Elder Partridge a little because most of the yelling was directed at him because he was playing a violin solo. In the end all of the musical numbers turned our really well. The coming Sunday we also have a special musical night with our stake that a bunch of missionaries are putting together musical pieces for. Although I have no musical talent my companion is amazing at the piano so she was asked to play for a lot of them. It's great for me because I get to go to all the practices and hear all the musical talent of our mission ;)

This coming week will be just as busy as this past week as we meet with a few potential investigators and our recent convert while also having all our music practices. We also have another baptismal service for this Saturday to prepare for. The two little girls that we have been teaching both passed their interviews on Sunday so they can get baptized! They are so precious. This past week in our lesson we talked about missionary work and gave them little missionary tags that we made. The younger girl who is just turning 8 was so excited to get a missionary tag that she wore it to church yesterday and refused to answer to anything besides 서우 선교사 (SoUoo Missionary) :) It was so cute! I love them so much!

I can't believe that I am coming up on my year mark already. Time just doesn't seem real anymore. I absolutely love Korean and the people here. It is such a blessing to be serving among them. I hope that you are all doing well. Have a great week! Love ya :)

-Sister Rindlisbacher

Our recent convert Lee NamHeng
Our recent convert Lee NamHeng
The craziness of nights in a four man house
My companion likes my birthday box more than I do (she is obsessed with trail mix)

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