Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Week 7

What a week... But hey only 12 days until Korea :D The Korean branch here at the MTC has exploded. Our floor is crazy busy and it's similar to herding a bunch of cats when we try to get them anywhere... But I love each and every one of them. 

New Elders
​Some of our new Elders... This is only about 1/3 of the Elders that were added to our zone last Wednesday.

So far, today has been absolutely wonderful. We had the opportunity to go through the temple with Sister Phochaeron as she received her endowments. What a blessing the temple is! I love being an STL because I get to experience these moments with the wonderful sisters of my branch :)

Left to right: Sister Rindlisbacher, Sister Phochaeron, and Sister Hilliard

Also BIG news! We got our Korean name tags on Monday!!! My name is ridiculously long in Korean, but its fun watching people try to pronounce it... The poor people of Korea are gonna have to try for the next 16 months ;D We should be getting our flight plans this coming Friday, fingers crossed.

Sister Rindlisbacher's ridiculously long name tag!
Overall things are hard, but so awesome! We've tripled all of our language goals as a district because we are leaving so soon. We have 3 days out of the week that we only speak Korean (and yes there is a punishment if you slip up) and next week we're going to try all week! It's a ton of fun to speak all day, but also very frustrating because it takes forever for any of us to say something, but it has helped so much!

Skype TRC was an adventure. When we called our person we realized that she was in her car driving... while we were trying to teach her. She also had another person in the car along with a baby that was crying. After a few minutes she also went and picked someone else up so it was a party the whole time. Our call kept dropping because other missionaries were trying to call the wrong person... Overall it was a very interesting experience. We'll see how this week goes.

It's been interesting seeing all the missionaries come and go over the past weeks. It seems like everyone is leaving before us, but its finally almost our turn!

Sister Rindlisbacher and Sister Garibay
Sister Garibay left on Monday for Argentina

I love this gospel with all my heart and I know that everything happens for a reason. I have been blessed in so many way because of how wonderful the gospel is. Heavenly Father is truly amazing and has a plan for each of us. I hope everyone is doing well. Love and miss you all!

-Sister Rindlisbacher

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